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[摘 要] LBS即基于位置的服务。随着近两年移动互联网和GPS终端的发展,为国内LBS网站的发展提供了极大的空间。在其如火如荼的发展过程中,同团购、社交网络服务那样暴露出不少问题,因此非常需要一种发展模式来指导。论文在大量网络资料和期刊文献的基础上,对传统与现在的LBS进行区别,介绍国内外著名LBS网站后,总结出这类网站的特点和问题。论文试着将移动互联网、团购、社交网络服务和LBS之间的特点结合起来,将LBS整合到团购和社交网络服务当中,克服各自的问题,并分析整合后的盈利模式,研究出一条切实可行的发展道路。最后将其延伸到整个移动互联网,以LBS为中心,探讨它对互联网文化、消费、营销、电子商务的一些改变,揭示开放的互联网未来,并引起其他人的对它的研究注意。
[关键词] 基于位置的服务;团购;社交网络服务;盈利模式;移动互联网
Abstract:LBS is short for location-based services. With the development of mobile Internet and GPS terminal in past two years, it provides Chinese LBS websites with a great space for growth. In the process of its rapid development, it exposed many problems as group purchase and social networking services websites, therefore it needs a development model to guide. Based on much Internet information and journals, this paper distinguishes traditional and current LBS. After introducing the famous LBS websites both at home and abroad, it summarizes the characteristics and problems of such websites. And it try to combine the features of mobile Internet, group purchase, LBS and social networking services, and integrate LBS into social networking services and group purchase to overcome their problems. Furthermore it analyzes the profit model after the integration and probe into a practical way of development. Finally, it extends integrated LBS websites to the whole mobile Internet and discusses the change to Internet culture, consumption, marketing, and e-commerce based on LBS. It reveals the openness on the internet in the future and causes others' attention to study LBS.
Keywords:Location-Based Service;Group Purchase;Social Networking Service;Mobile Internet
A Study on the Development Model of LBS Websites